Install Tilelook 3D Design Tool

Download for Windows OS

Windows OS: 8, 10 or 11

Download for MacOS X

Mac OS X: from 10.11 El Capitan to 12.2 Monterey

Frequently asked questions

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How to start the Design Tool
  • Click on the installer button on top to download the application. Once download is complete open the file.
  • Windows: Follow the installation procedure by clicking on the button "Next" and then "Finish".
  • Mac: Drag the Tilelook icon into your applications folder in order to install the application.
  • Wait until the application is fully loaded and runs. Enjoy designing with Tilelook!
What are the computer requirements?
Windows OS
From Windows 8 to Windows 11
Windows 11
Mac OS X
From 10.11 El Capitan to 14 Sonoma
Boot Camp, VMWare, Parallels are not supported
Mac OS 13.6 Ventura
12GB or more
Graphics card
Video card with drivers that support OpenGL version 4.0
Nvidia Geforce 1050 2GB or better
Processor (CPU)
2GHz i5 or higher
Display Resolution
minimum: 960p, maximum: 1440p
Internet connection
1Mbs download/upload speed
10Mbs download/upload or higher
I get an error message when I try to run the program
  • For macOS: open the applications folder, right click on the Tilelook icon and select "open"
  • Make sure to be connected to the internet and that your connection is stable
  • Please disable proxy and firewall settings temporarely or add as a safe connection
  • Try using our offline installers (buttons below)
  • Please check hardware/software requirements
Offline installer for Windows (320MB)
Offline installer for Mac (380MB)
Do I need to be connected to the internet all the time while using the Design Tool?

The tool requires to be connected to the internet in order to download products from the Tilelook product library. If an internet connection is missing or there is some connection problem to then the program runs in "offline mode": you will be able to work with it normally but won't be able to download or upload resources.

How does the Tilelook photo-realistic render work?

Tilelook's Design Tool uses the render engine "Corona Render" which is 100% CPU-based, this means that the speed of the rendering process is determined only by the performance of the CPU. The Design Tool also allows you to perform photo-realistic renders in the cloud: a dedicated server with high processing power suitable for rendering at much higher speed. If you don't have a computer with high performance CPU you can take advantage of the cloud rendering option.

How do I setup my graphics card for best performance?

Graphics card performance does not affect render speed but it will make your design work more fluid especially on larger projects containing many objects and textures. If your computer has both an integrated and dedicated graphics card (for example Nvidia or AMD) make sure to open the graphics card settings panel and set it up so that the computer always uses it, instead of using the integrated card.